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Meet The Team

The Offices of Budget & Planning and Institutional Analysis are the official source of University information regarding state allocated budgets, students, faculty, departments, colleges, and certain traditional higher education indices, such as institutional revenue sources, student headcount enrollment, student credit hours, student and faculty demographic information, and graduation and degrees awarded information.

These offices report to Cathy Anderson, Chief Financial Officer and are comprised of highly talented and hard working staff.


Sandy Hughes

Director of Budget, Planning and Financial Reporting

Sandy Hughes

Director of Budget, Planning and Financial Reporting
Education: BS in Business Management, BS in Accounting and MPA all at the University of Utah
What is your role in the Budget Office and how long have you been here? 21 years in the Budget Office; first as a Manager and then Director.
What is something that you’ve done but will never do again? Help first graders learn numbers.
When did you first know you loved numbers? First grade when I helped others learn numbers too.
What household chore do you like the least? Dusting since it comes right back.

Budget, Planning And Financial Reporting

Ethan Hacker

Assoc. Dir., Operations & Logistics

Ethan Hacker

Assoc. Dir., Operations & Logistics
Education: Dixie State University – Associates of Science
Utah State University – Bachelors of Science
University of Utah – Masters of Business Administration
What is your role in the Budget Office and how long have you been here? Support the university’s central administration’s budgeting, financial reporting and funding distribution process
What is something that you’ve done but will never do again? Riding coast to coast in the U.S. in a Uhaul within a week
What household chore do you like the least? Cleaning Toilets
Weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? Octopus Dish